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- GPT trademark dispute draws attention, OpenAI wants to protect brand reputation
OpenAI’s recent trademark registration has attracted widespread attention. According to reports, OpenAI has registered the "GPT-5" trademark and plans to launch this new natural language model. This article will explore OpenAI’s trademark registration initiative and its possible impact on the field of natural language processing. This trademark registration action is interpreted as OpenAI’s measure to protect its intellectual property rights. The GPT series of natural language models are known for their excellent text generation and language understanding capabilities. OpenAI hopes to prevent other institutions or individuals from using the "GPT-5" trademark without authorization through trademark registration to ensure the stability of its brand image and market position. OpenAI has not publicly disclosed specific details or release plans for GPT-5. However, this trademark registration action demonstrates OpenAI’s continued investment and development in natural language processing technology. Past GPT models have achieved major breakthroughs in multiple fields, such as automatic text generation, speech recognition, and translation. Therefore, the launch of GPT-5 is expected to bring more advanced and powerful natural language processing capabilities. This news has attracted widespread attention in the technology community. For researchers, developers and professionals in the application field, the advent of GPT-5 will provide more application and innovation opportunities. However, there are also some views that trademark registration may cause certain restrictions and challenges to competitors and trigger discussions about intellectual property rights and market barriers. In summary, OpenAI’s recent trademark registration has attracted attention from the technology community. Their successful registration of the "GPT-5" trademark heralds the imminent launch of a new natural language model. This move aims to protect OpenAI’s intellectual property and brand image, while bringing more expectations to the development of natural language processing. With the launch of GPT-5, we are expected to witness more advanced and innovative natural language processing applications. Reference: Frequent counterfeiting! OpenAI wants to obtain trademark rights: Others cannot use "GPT" to name it https://newtalk.tw/news/view/2023-04-26/868279
- 《PlayStation5 商標在印度被搶註冊 上市日期未明》
索尼將於今年內推出旗下遊戲主機 PlayStation 5, 在 10 月已經開始預購,11 月中開始出貨。 可是,仍未有預售地區印度的滴息。根據報導,因為 PS5 的商標在印度被搶先註冊,因此索尼 在印度推出 PS5 的計劃遭延遲。 根據消息指出,在印度德里的一位居民 Hitesh Aswani 於去年下半年提交了 PS5 商標申請(見圖片來源: WIPO Global Brand Database),而索尼則在今年 2 月才陸續在不同國家註冊。雙方目前都在反對該商標 的使用權。隨着商標註冊的爭議,PS5 很可能在印度推遲發售。 商標蟑螂(trademark squatting) 此外,Hitesh Aswani 在今年也搶先 2 月註冊了「XboxSeries X」商標,這顯示了他可能是有計劃及有 預謀地註冊的商標蟑螂(trademark squatting)。由於大部分國家都是採取「先註先得」的商標制度, 因此造成商標蟑螂橫行。他們會先行申請類似或相同的知名商標,一旦註成功註冊後向原本的商標持有 人便無法順利註冊,藉此敲詐高額的和解金或轉讓金,近年許多國際企業都吃了不少虧。 原定 PlayStation 5 計劃於 11 月中在美國、加拿大、墨西哥、日本、南韓等特定市場推出,索尼官方目 前將不作任何回應,印度玩家也只能靜觀其變。 來源: PS5 商標在印被搶註冊 上市日期或恐推遲 | 電競 | 新頭殼 Newtalk. (2020). Retrieved 8 March 2021, from https://newtalk.tw/news/view/2020-10-11/477622